Join HENB today!
Who can Become a Member?
Although we are a Christian organization, anyone home educating in the province of New Brunswick can become a member of HENB (regardless of religious affiliation). Anyone holding a position of leadership on HENB’s board must agree and adhere to our statement of faith.
How long are Memberships Valid for?
Memberships run from May 15th to May 14th the following year, regardless of when purchased.
Reason #1: Becoming a member of HENB helps us provide a unified voice, should the government propose changes to the legislation and the Education Act. Home Educators of New Brunswick works closely with Home School Legal Defence (HSLDA), who exists to help defend your right to homeschool.
Reason #2: Becoming a member of HENB helps other home educating families in New Brunswick. We regularly direct new homeschoolers looking to connect to local support groups and we also help home educators across New Brunswick with difficulties they may be encountering with local school boards.
Reason #3: Home Education isn’t always a simple task, so we provide our members with multiple opportunities to be encouraged and learn something new. We offer this encouragement through monthly newsletters, professional development days and our annual conference.
Reason #4: Our members receive a membership card, which can be used to obtain teacher discounts at local stores.
Reason #5: The following discounts are available to members when registering for events.
- $10 discount for the annual HENB Conference
- $36 discount on your annual membership with HSLDA
- $10 discount at the annual HENB Professional Development Day
- $10 discount at the biennial HENB Legislative Tour
- Free participation in the annual HENB Leadership Breakfast for local support group leaders.
How much is a Membership?
Our membership fee is $30 per year. Note: Membership fees are non-refundable.
What Payment Methods are Available?
There are several payment methods including the following:
- Paypal or other credit card (click “join” below)
- Paypal payment to
- Email transfer to