
By supplying an email address you are giving HENB consent to send email relating to Home Education, conference, etc. You may withdraw your consent to receive emails any time by sending an email to info@henb.ca.

HENB membership information will not be sold or given to any other person or organization without your prior consent.

Home Educators of New Brunswick (HENB) is a Christian non-profit organization made up of volunteers who desire to serve home educators and local support groups in New Brunswick, regardless of religious affiliation.  The HENB Board is composed of volunteer families across the province who care about home education and connecting families to resources.

Membership with HENB is an acknowledgement of a common goal and purpose in promoting quality home schooling in New Brunswick. Membership is not an endorsement of any particular home schooling family or their program.

Membership can be revoked for non-compliance with our by-laws which can be obtained upon request by contacting the president of HENB.

Membership entitles you to discounts on some HENB events. Please click here for discount listing.