About Us

teaching english


People are often intrigued by the concept of educating your own children at home.   You may know of a family that homeschools or you may be interested in learning more information before deciding for your family.

Regardless, there are many questions such as:

  • Am I allowed to educate my own children?
  • What are the legal ramifications if I keep my kids out of public school?
  • How will I be able to get support if I choose to go down that road?

HENB is composed of families that have already made the decision to take on the responsibility of educating their own children instead of sending them to public school. Many have been doing so for over 10 years! However, before you join HENB you are more than welcome to find out as much as you can about our organization. To make your job a bit easier we have provided the following sections about us.

If you still have questions after going through these pages, please feel free to contact us.